This happened a year ago.
DearFriendsMom was getting ready to go on a two-week trip to The States and she wanted the latest hits on her iPod for the plane ride over. Understandable – I’d do the same thing if I was going to be cooped up in plane for 20 hours. The thing was… DearFriend had the responsibility for maintaining her playlist. And My DearFriend asked me to help her.
So what exactly does this entail? Basically DearFriendsMom presented her(us) with three pieces of paper that looked like they had been torn out of a 1980s day planner. On these pieces of paper were songs scribbled in no logical order in which we could figure out.It was like a game, if you can’t guess what song it is in the first three letters you’ve lost. And lots of times even if we did manage to decipher the ameoba handwriting it said “That song from the movie…”
Needless to say we had our work cut out.
So we asked her brother to download the songs that we could make out and then returned her ipod, all in hopes that she wouldn’t notice that about 50 percent of the songs were missing. Well, she noticed. DearFriendsMom came back to us with a detailed mental list of the songs that were missing. For somebody who can’t remember the name of the movie she saw two days ago we thought she had an incredible memory for what she chicken-scratched on some piece of paper.
So we did the post-teenage eye roll, which is basically the same as the teenage eye roll except you put your back to her before you roll your eyes. It’s much less rude. By that time we were facebooking and just kind of did an Eh-ok wave, thinking she would go away. Then DearFriendsMom told us she would do it herself and we were thinking Oh, man really? Awesome!
Twenty minutes went by and she came back with a negotiation plan for the music list. We didn't have to download all the songs as long as We had to make a playlist with the “new” music. So DearFriend said ok and went about our day.
Later that week, we were hanging out her place together when DearFriendsMom came to us frustrated because her iPod wouldn’t turn off. It was like a child whose Barbie doll’s arm just fallen off. Well then DearFriend kinda shouted mentally (i could hear her) Fix it! But she decided to say, did you try the off button? DearFriendsMom said, YES and it won’t turn off. DearFriend replied, give it to me. She held down the bottom of the iPod wheel and the pod shut down just fine. What was the problem?
Then it occurred to me. We, meaning the ones who didn’t need assistance to actually locate this blog, most likely because you have a Facebook or Twitter page, WE are just smarter. Maybe smarter isn’t the best word for it…maybe it’s more that technology is a 21st century version of baby proofing for the older generations.
DearFriend's Mom told then she wanted to make a Facebook page then proceeded to ask DearFriend if she could make it for her.
DearFriend just did the Post-teenage eye roll again.
Not Sure if she ever carried out that request, more like Do-It-Its-Your-Mom's-Order.
(I'll check and update you too in my next post.)
The way I see it is that it’s their way of paying us back for all the diapers that they had to change. All the times we woke them up crying in the middle of the night for no dang good reason. It’s just the circle of life. When my kids are my age I’m sure they will be making fun of me because I’m still troglodyte-ing my ass around with my 2008 iPod or a hard beaten some tab phone and old-style Facebook page. I can only imagine the things they will be trying to teach me. “Mom, this is how you get the robot to clean the dishes and when I get back from hologram shopping I’ll get Jimmy back in present day. I just didn’t expect that time machine to be so powerful.”
Now that i think about it, DearFriend and I kind of liked updating the iPod.
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